Terms of Service

Thank you very much for using the services provided by Makoto Doi. Users are kindly requested to follow the Terms of Use when using the Service.

User Registration

User registration will be completed when we approve an application for registration by an applicant. We may not approve an application for registration if we judge it inappropriate; for example, the applicant violated the Terms of Use in the past. We will not disclose reasons for rejection.

Management of User Name

Users should manage their user names and passwords for the Service under their responsibility. Do not let others know your password to protect your user name. Users must not assign or lend their user names or passwords to a third party. If a combination of a user name with a password corresponds to the registered data in logging in, we will regard it as being used by the user who registered the user name. If you find unauthorized use of your user name, promptly report to us.

Use of the Service

Users must not commit wrongdoing in use of the Service, for example, destroying or disturbing functions of our servers/networks. If we judge any act of a user a wrongdoing, we may restrict the user"s use of the Service or terminate the user"s registration without prior notice. In this case, we shall bear no liability for any damages the user incurs arising from the restricted use and the like.

Governing Law and Jurisdiction

The interpretation of the terms is governed by the laws of Japan. In the event of any disputes arising from the Service, Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court shall have an agreed exclusive jurisdiction.

Established on

October 2023

Contact Us

Please send your feedback, comments, requests for technical support by email:makoto.doi0701@gmail.com.